Lucy |
Lucy--A very bright spot in our home! She came home the weekend before Halloween and has made Atlanta, almost bearable. At least she has put me in a better mood. We got her as a very tiny doggy, and K got to pick her out of the other 4 girls. She had the best tail and was looking very intently at the breeder when she stood at the door. I knew she was the one! She is perfect. Okay--she has had a few accidents in the house, but within a week she was ringing a bell to go downstairs to the back door. Plus, she loves attention and to cuddle. Right now as I type this, she is lying by the firer. She is a bright, loving dog, everything K and I dreamed about!
K and Phoenix in Boston |
Now, before I get all these comments about how I should have gone and saved a pound puppy, let me tell you---did that twice in Atlanta. Seriously, twice. I know, great for attachment issues, but I never in 100 years thought a dog could make you depressed. I'm not kidding. Let me start by saying we had the most wonderful dog that we got from a no kill shelter in San Diego over 10 years ago. Phoenix. He was perfect. He would play with K, seek attention from us, lay on his bed, bark at the right people. When we got him he was 2 years old. He traveled around the United States with us from San Diego to Texas to Boston to Texas back to Boston. Unfortunately, he died in Boston about 2 years ago. Since then we have promised to get K another dog. Since K is an only child I often think of that Norman Rockwell painting where the husband comes home and yells at the wife and the wife yells at the kids and the kids yell at the dog. That chain was broken. K needed someone to love, take care of, a friend. Phoenix was gone.
So when we first moved to Atlanta, a little over a year ago, we went to the pound. We picked up a small puppy that was suppose to be a German Shepard mix. Let me tell you---horrible! I returned it two days later. The next one we decided to go through rescue groups. Talk about annoying. You had to have a home visit, they called references, I thought I was adopting again. It was ridiculous. Literally--RIDICULOUS! But, after going to several pounds in the city and only seeing pit bull mixes (Yes, I know they can be nice, but they scare me), we visited one of the groups I was finally cleared for. We picked out a dog and named him Adikus. He was suppose to be about 2. He was more like 6 or 7. He made me depressed. We had him for about 8 months and finally I told me husband we had to take him back. He was scared of everything. He would lay in his bed all day. He would not play. He could not be house trained. So everyday, I would be home alone with him and it was depressing. I can't tell you how happy I was when we finally returned him. It was like a weight had been lifted.
I was not going to give up! I wanted a dog too. So I searched breeders. I searched reviews of dogs, I knew that a third time was going to be a charm. Thank GOD that it was. Lucy (named after I LOVE LUCY--K's new favorite show) is just what our family needed.
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